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by William Nesbitt
(Northern Ireland)
I understand that keeping the Sabbath is part of the Ten Commandments which is constitutionally the moral law. In the Old Testament the law consisted of three component parts . The Civil Law The Ceremonial Law and The Moral Law. The first two of these related to National Israel the same as we have in national sovereign states today. The Moral law, however is not only national but is international. It was also unbroken as the initial tablets were as they were placed in the ark of the covenant. If you believe in type theology which I do then the ark would represent Christ. In the light of this Christ is the only repository of an unbroken copy of the law as he fulfilled it all all ten commandments. If we deny the fourth commandment are we saying that Christ did not keep it that would be heresy. Also how does God carry out a final judgement on sinners it is by the moral law. Although Christians are not saved by the moral law they are saved by the imputed righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ who fulfilled it entirely. Regarding the definition of the Sabbath there were several Sabbaths kept by the Nation of Israel. First there was the weekly Sabbath, then there was Passover which was a week of Sabbaths. Then there was the seven year Sabbath when the land was rested. The Sabbath, however, which I really want to concentrate was the fifty year Sabbath which was also known as The Year of Jubilee. In this year land that been lost to others because of hard times was restored to the original owners. Also at the year of Jubilee all slaves were set free. In looking at scripture the Lord Jesus Christ is our Jubilee. He is the one who sets us free. How do we know He has set us free. It is because HE rose again on the third day the day of Jubilee (redemption). If we celebrate the LORD's resurrection we are celebrating the Jubilee or the Sabbath of the fiftieth year, the year of glorious freedom. As well as all of the above evidence, I believe it is beneficial to give the body a complete day of rest from its activities. If work does not enable us to take a Sunday then another day should be set aside where we can have time to give protracted meditation to God and His Word. I agree with you that every day is holy to The LORD, however, one day set aside in seven to give detailed study to the Word must be very beneficial. In our forefathers generation this was better adhered to and the moral health of our nations was much better. You can email me on
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