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Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. (Matthew 24:20)

by Nimedi

Why is the Sabbath so relevant and significant to the Lord of the Sabbath himself, Jesus Christ?
Is this not about the past, present and future?

Comments for Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. (Matthew 24:20)

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Oct 14, 2011
A matter of facility...
by: Roger Duclos

I've enjoyed reading your site. Many great insights. Kudos for what I'm sure was and is an ongoing labor of love for the brethren.
I believe the inference is quite literal to those whose familiarity with the world as they knew it could easily relate to.
The common thread between the two scenarios offered by Jesus simply address the delay or difficulty in escaping Jerusalem: snow would be an obvious impediment to travel on foot; and distance constraints of the O.T. sabbath observence... 1/4 mi. until sundown, I believe, would respectively increase their jeopardy.
Perhaps not the most 'mystical' rendering, but I find it far more reflective of the intensely 'practical' nature of written Word.
Thanks again, Paul, for your efforts. Blessings.-Roger

Mar 03, 2011
Matthew 24: End Times or Destruction of Jerusalem?
by: Anonymous

Is Matthew 24 talking about the end times, meaning the imminent return of Jesus Christ, or is it just talking about the destruction of Jerusalem during that time? I believe the question of the Jews refer to the end times at the very outset of the chapter.

Then, the Law, in its "spiritual form," would signify that there is no need to even convoke on a Sunday. Probably not only Sunday, but even the celebration of holidays like Christmas, Easter, etc.

Feb 26, 2011
A.D. 70
by: Paul Pavao

I'm told that the church in Jerusalem understood Matthew 24 to apply to them when the Romans attacked in A.D. 70. Knowing what Jesus had said, they fled when the Romans came, and they survived the attack, even though Jerusalem was destroyed.

There's no doubt the church in Jerusalem was keeping the Sabbath until it fell. Jewish Christians, including even Paul (it appears from Acts 21), kept the Sabbath.

Thus, Christ's statement was true and of benefit to the church. That doesn't mean, however, that Gentile Christians, who were never keeping a 7th day Sabbath, should begin keeping it. The writer of Hebrews says that the Law was decaying and growing old (8:13). It took some time to quit being kept in its fleshly form.

Christians should be keeping the Law in its filled-up, spiritual form, as I explain in the article.

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